Ottawa Brand Photographer & Business Coach

Show up and stand out with brand photography, marketing, and a mindset that’s authentically you.


Be unapologetically yourself in your marketing (and skip all the “shoulds” of online business)

Everyone’s showing up online, but few are doing it authentically and intentionally. I can help with that.

Step into your future self, today

Let’s be real. You didn’t become an entrepreneur to play small or get lost in a sea of sameness. You became an entrepreneur because you’re on a mission to do things differently. To challenge the status quo, to live in alignment, and to fulfill a deeper purpose in this lifetime.

It’s time to show up and start operating from your successful, higher self. You are who you decide to be.

Have FUN in your business (and leave the masking for the corporate suits)

What is the point of being in business if you can’t show up as your true, authentic self AND have fun while doing it?

By being in control of your brand and how you show up online, you call the shots on who shows up for you. You’ll attract dream clients who value and respect you and spend your time supporting clients you love. (Instead of the wrong clients who will make you want to burn your business to the ground).

Show up as your best self (and stop compromising your values)

Building your personal brand doesn’t meant you’re ego-driven. It means you’re mission-driven. You’re here for a bigger purpose than your own individual gain. You’re here to serve others and show up as the bad-ass leader that you are.

Hey, I’m Tania!

I’m a multi-passionate brand photographer, marketer, business mindset coach, and coffee-fueled mom of two with a serious passion for helping mission-driven entrepreneurs show up and stand out intentionally and authentically in business. Want to learn how?

Client Love

“I'm SO grateful for the beautiful shots Tania was able to capture in our session. She made the whole process fun, helped me feel relaxed, and gave me the guidance I needed to feel confident in front of the camera.”

Sigute Zitikyte, Personal Branding Business Coach

Work With Me

  • Brand Photography

    Building your personal brand is no longer an option, especially if you’re doing business online. Your brand is the heartbeat of your business. It’s the narrative you craft and the story you tell through your visuals and words. A strong brand has the power to help you stand out from the noise and build meaningful connections with your soul clients. By investing in your brand, you’re investing in YOU. It’s time to elevate how you show up online in a way that feels authentic and aligned. Let me show you how.

  • Business Mindset Coaching

    A solid mindset and a solid strategy — you can’t have one without the other. Together we will work through the patterns and limitations that are holding you back and the aligned actions you need to take to step into the next-level entrepreneur and leader you know you are. If your future self were in the room, what would she be doing? How would she be acting? What decisions would she be making? It’s time to start operating with your future self in mind. Let me help you get there.